Now Accepting Guest Posts


Up until recently I haven’t accepted any guest posts for Planting Dollars, but would like to change that. If you’d like to promote your site via guest posting (the strategy that ranked me 122,261 on Alexa within two months of launch) I will be accepting them from now on.

Guest posting is a great way to get your name out there and gain a backlink to your site at the same time.

What are the Benefits of Guest Posting?

  • Gain backlinks from this site (up to 3).
  • Attract new readers
  • Build your brand
  • Get more Google juice
  • Get on my good side 😉


  • Write relevant content – whether it’s personal finance, an entrepreneurial story, mobile living, or personal development stay within the five core topics listed at the top of the site.
  • Write something original – If it exists somewhere else, I don’t want it.  Write something unique that has never been read before.
  • Make it longer than a memo – The post should be at minimum 500 words and ideally would be around 750-1,000.
  • Intro – Write up a brief introduction for yourself (2-3 sentences) which will be placed above your article.
  • Address the readers – Provide something of value to those who are reading the post.  Don’t rant and only focus on yourself.  At the end of the article ask the readers their opinion.
  • HTML format – I use WordPress HTML when uploading articles.  Make sure yours is done in HTML format so I can simply copy and paste it in without reformatting.

If I’ve never met you before please introduce yourself before sending me an email with your post.  I love meeting new people and would feel more comfortable getting to know you before accepting a post.

I accept posts from anyone as long as they provide value to the readers and are related to the topic.  I highly encourage you to guest post and don’t bite so feel free to send me an email about your idea.

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Eric Saylor
Eric Saylor


A great tale is yet to be told and will make an appearance on your site! Be excited or else…


Eric Saylor
.-= Eric Saylor´s last blog ..Scraping the bottom of the bowl? =-.

Eric Saylor
Eric Saylor

Thank you,

The blog is a week old. I’m working on it with a business partner. We’re trying to find the best approach to providing insight and advice to small business owners. If you have any advice we’re always open to feedback!

-Eric Saylor
.-= Eric Saylor´s last blog ..Scraping the bottom of the bowl? =-.

Tom | Build That List

Nice work! I will have to see if I can find some time to get a guest post for you! You have a nice growing community!
.-= Tom | Build That List´s last blog ..The Aweber Code….And Why You Need To Promote It! =-.

Tess The Bold Life

I’m sure you’ll be bombarded with fantastic stories! Like attracts like you know. Hope you’re having a surfin’ Sunday.
.-= Tess The Bold Life´s last blog ..Dream An Impossible Dream =-.

Moon Hussain

I’m working on my guest posts. Hope to finish a couple in the next few days. Will contact you soon.
.-= Moon Hussain´s last blog ..Why Automating Your Proccess Is The Only Way To Stay Sane =-.


I def will be submitting some content, hopefully! 🙂
.-= Ratelines´s last blog ..Stay Ahead of Inflation with Series I Savings Bonds and Savings Rates =-.

Guy G.

Hey Ryan,

Really good of you to help everyone else out.
Or, are you just getting burnt out from writing a post a day 😉

Anyway, I just wanted to extend the invitation for you to write a guest post on our site anytime as well.

Talk to you soon,
.-= Guy G.´s last blog ..Grocery Saving Tips – Tips on Budgeting =-.


Hi There

I am interested in doing a guest post on your website, please let me know if this would be okay with you and what type of topics you like.



I just discovered your blog and love it! I was checking out blogs based on some recent questions we’ve received about financial issues and was wondering if you would be willing to be a guest on my blog to answer a question regarding money and financial issues. Please check out our latest post as well. If you are interested in a guest blogger, please let me know! Also me and/or my friends that run our blog would love to guest blog on yours as well, please let me know if you would like us to. Thanks! .-= asksocialshrink´s last blog… Read more »