How to Make $100,000 in the Next 6 Months Doing Something You Love…


Have you ever dreamed of starting your own business, selling things you love, and having the freedom to do it anywhere in the world?

You can! And I’ve found someone who wants to pay you $100,000 to do just that!

Tim Ferris over at the 4-Hour Workweek has just put up a substantial amount of money to the person who can build the most successful online business using

Let’s look at the risk versus reward:
There is huge upside potential here, with very little risk…


  • Investing about $3 a day into a new business venture.
  • Investing some of your time into something that would help you learn.


  • Creating a successful automated business online.
  • Possibly winning $100,000.
  • Learning something new.
  • Creating products that you enjoy.

Seems like a bit of a no brainer to me.

I will be throwing my hat in the ring for this one and tracking my success or failure on this blog.

The cost to possibly build your own online business and give yourself financial freedom is about $3 a day, the equivalent to a coffee at Starbucks. I don’t know about you, but I’d much rather shoot for financial freedom and skip the morning Starbucks run.

Check out his blog post for more details and the link to the competition:

4 Hour Workweek Blog

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Investing Newbie

Good luck Ryan! I’ll read about it and see whether I can do it too. But I’m already feeling a “NO” because I don’t know what to sell…


Can’t wait to hear what the Planting Dollar$ product will be! Pinapple? No. Poi? No. hmmm….


Yes, the product is the tough part. How do you sell something cheaper than one can get from Amazon? Or how do you come up with something unique to sell?