5 Funny But True Lessons I Learned From Office Space

One of my favorite movies of all time is Office Space. There's so much wonderful satire packed into 89 minutes that echos the absurdities of the world we live in... you know, the...

Being Rich versus Being Wealthy

What's the difference between being rich versus being wealthy? Is there a difference and if so how can we separate the two similar concepts? Being Rich Rich is a current state of being that can...

Dreaming for What Matters Most

In honor of the great Martin Luther King Jr., I thought I'd like to touch on the concept of dreaming today. Dr. King did not have grandeur visions of wealth, or possessions, but...

In the Chess Set of Life, Which Piece are You?

Life has many similarities to the game of chess. In the chess set of life there's strategy, proven methods, along with winners and losers.  Those who figure out the rules of the game and...

Applying the 10 Second Rule to Your Purchasing Decisions

Growing up I was taught a simple rule to control my anger and emotional outbursts.  This was simply referred to as the "10 second rule."  Whenever I was about to blow a gasket or...

Home Mortgage Calculators, 5 Ways to Workout Your Abode’

We've all seen those commercials for bowflex and 6 minute abs, but have you checked out the recent home mortgage calculator workouts? Intense doesn't even begin to describe how much financial fat you'll...

How to Calculate Cap Rates

In the land of real estate investing you'll begin to hear a popular term when analyzing income producing property. Capitalization Rates, better known as Cap Rates. Cap rates are a way in...

Planting Dollars Still Here After a Month of Giving it the Ol College Try

It's hardly an accomplishment for most bloggers, but I've made it a month typing away about personal finance, my journey, and other assorted (hopefully related) subjects. I'm just beginning to scratch the surface...