Passive Income – Further Thoughts From Mr Credit Card – Guest Post

A couple of days ago, I responded to a guest post by Mr Credit Card from over at Fiscal Fizzle. His premise was that there really was no such thing as passive income....

Now Accepting Guest Posts

Up until recently I haven't accepted any guest posts for Planting Dollars, but would like to change that. If you'd like to promote your site via guest posting (the strategy that ranked me...

Do, or Do Not, There is No Try

Yoda was a smart little green dude, who nailed it when he said: "Do, or do not, there is no try." Everyday we try new things, we explore, and we work towards our goals. However,...

Is Passive Income Possible?

This is an Other Side of the Fence article, in which I take the opposite viewpoint of a popular idea and/or debate a specific thought. When scanning the personal finance blogosphere I ran across a...

An Interview with Well-Heeled Blog

Today's personal finance blogger interview is with W of Well-Heeled. Well-Heeled Blog is a personal finance blog on savvy living which includes building a solid financial foundation for tomorrow while enjoying life today. Read...

Are You a Financial Extremist?

There are a ton of different financial websites and blogs on the web. Each with their own strategy or mix of ideas. Reading through these blogs makes you realize that some ideas...

An Interview with Bob from Christian PF

Bob from has graciously allowed me to pick his brain about blogging and his experiences with personal finance. Bob is a full time blogger who has an amazing post on his story...

Why Do You Want to be Financially Free?

You'd be hard pressed to find a person who doesn't want to be financially free, but I bet it wouldn't be too hard to find someone who couldn't tell you what they'd do with...