Can You Make Money Doing Anything?
Is there anything in the world you can't do to make money? Since money is simply the exchange of value do you think that people are willing to pay you for almost anything?...
Two Jobs Every Person Should Try Before “Growing Up”
I like to take advice from old people. They've seen more, done more, and often have made the mistakes that I'd like to avoid in life. Older people are wiser (most of...
Financial Freedom… Now What?
While working last week I met a couple who had achieved financial freedom. They had started their own business and now were millionaires several times over who were Hawaii locals. They said...
Life Goal Setting – Chunking vs Multi Tasking
I see life as the ability to accomplish anything you want, with very few exceptions. I could become the president, I could go be an astronaut, I could go make a billion dollars,...
Three of the Best Blog Posts You’ll Ever Read
I've read a lot of blog posts in my life. Thousands and thousands of them. Lists, stories, how to guides, and general advice, mostly about money, personal development, and web development, but...
The Quiet Hours
I'm sitting alone writing this post. It's 9pm and everyone has cleared out of the internet cafe to make their ways to the bars and clubs of nearby Waikiki. I do my...
Can You Turn Your Life on a Dime?
I'm sure you've heard the expression "turning on a dime," but would that be a way to describe your life? Most of us wouldn't be able to move within the next 24 hours...
Open a Vanguard Roth IRA Today
If you haven't invested in a Roth IRA yet, you should do it. I know this sounds a bit obvious, but a lot of people have problems doing one thing, just jumping in!...