What’s Your Motivation for Work?
How you think of your work determines where it will take you and how you stay motivated throughout the day. Are you there simply for a paycheck or for some greater purpose? ...
How to Lose 10 Pounds and Make $400 in the Next 30 Days
You'd like to save money, and you'd like to shed a few pounds... what do you do? Ditch the car commute and get on the ol bike is what I say. Crazy?...
The Time Value of Money – A Love Hate Relationship
Have you ever had a love hate relationship? It may be with a person, an object, or perhaps a job... but what about the time value of money? Perhaps I'm a bit...
The 12 Hour Workweek
The 40 hour workweek. That's what we're all used to. The 9-5 standard, punch your clock, Monday through Friday and do what everyone else does. But how many of those hours...
Stop Thinking About Money!
STOP THINKING ABOUT MONEY! It's the easiest way to make it. :)
Dwelling, worrying, planning, fretting, pacing, exhausting... these are some of the many words that come to mind when I think about money...
3 Reasons Why Cockroaches Would Make Excellent Entrepreneurs
It rained quite a bit here the past few days and I've learned that cockroaches are not a fan of the rain, because tonight alone I've killed three of them and the roach traps...
Should You Make Money With Adsense?
Everyone talks about passive income, making money online, and sitting on beach somewhere while you earn money while you sleep. One of the most popular programs, and so called "easy" ways to make...
What’s YOUR Number?
No... I'm not trying to pick you up,
Yes, I would like to know your number... your goal net worth number that is...
What's YOUR Number?
In a fairly recent series of ING commercials, individuals walk...