Don’t be an Idiot With Your Money

People do stupid things with their money every day, these people act like money idiots. Pretend for a moment that I'm your grandpa giving you sage, yet common sense advice. That advice would be "Don't...

Don’t Miss The Roth IRA Deadline

I know it may seem like a ways out, but the deadline for 2010's Roth IRA contribution will be here before you know it. This is just a friendly reminded that April...

Go to College or Invest?

What if you didn't go to college, but instead invested in your retirement with your would be college funds? How would your financial picture look, and would you be better off financially in...

Personal Finance for College Students – An Interview With MD of Studenomics

MD from Studenomics discusses personal finance, but for college students and those looking to just start their career. In this quick interview with MD we'll learn about his blogging experience and advice for...

5 Options When Your Rent is “Too Damn High”

Although the 2010 New York gubernatorial race is over, some of us may still be experiencing rent that's simply "too damn high." Since Jimmy McMillan and his promise to allow New Yorkers to...

Creating Multiple Streams of Income

One of the first investing/business books that truly influenced me (I was in middle school at this point) was Robert Allen's Multiple Streams of Income. Robert Allen is a huge proponent of aggressively...

Welcome to 2011, Let’s Make it a Good One

It's been 2011 for approximately 12 hours and not much has changed... yet, but this year is going to be great. I'm not sure about you, but 2010 was a year for me...

How Much Credit Card Education do we Need?

Yesterday I mentioned that I watched "In Debt We Trust." I think it's worth your while watching it, but a fair amount of it was spent interviewing people who had gotten themselves in...