If you're looking to track your finances it's a lot easier with a consistent balance sheet. So why not use a Free Balance Sheet?
I've found a great free balance sheet over at millionaire systems, which is a website run by Gary Keller who's a real estate millionaire and has several great books about building wealth.
This particular balance sheet...
One of my favorite movies of all time is Office Space. There's so much wonderful satire packed into 89 minutes that echos the absurdities of the world we live in... you know, the real world after college that you don't leave until you retire. The one with bosses named Bob, TPS reports, and never ending rows of cubicles.
Up until recently I haven't accepted any guest posts for Planting Dollars, but would like to change that. If you'd like to promote your site via guest posting (the strategy that ranked me 122,261 on Alexa within two months of launch) I will be accepting them from now on.
Guest posting is a great way to get your name...
I recently started a new job and haven't received my first paycheck yet. I'm fully aware of my gross income, but I'm wondering, how much will my paycheck be after taxes? Frankly, I'm a little too lazy to manually calculate the Social Security (which I'll never see), FICA, State, and Federal taxes.
In my search for an easy...
You're probably thinking "ewww why are you mentioning sperm?" So before I begin, let me remind you that you, were at one point in your life a sperm, and you are in fact a winner because of it... you lucky zygote you!
Sperm... there are millions of them, swimming around, wagging their tails (is that what they're called?) like...
Since I began teaching myself web development several years ago I have gained a familiarity with setting up and running websites and blogs. It's not surprising then, that people often ask me... ""Ryan, how can I create a website and more importantly, how can I make money from a website?" How can I leave the rat race...
I'm sure you've heard people say: "you are who you hang out with" and "you'll end up a lot like the people you spend the most time with." Today, I took that to heart and decided to hang out with a bunch of millionaires!
I'd like to say that we all flew to Lake Tahoe to meet at an...
Investing in the stock market is one of the easiest ways to make money, provided that you know the field well. Stock market trading is only profitable for those who know where to put their money, and where they should be cashing in. Knowing what to invest in is one of the most beneficial things that can help a...