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How to Calculate Cap Rates

In the land of real estate investing you'll begin to hear a popular term when analyzing income producing property. Capitalization Rates, better known...

Planting Dollars Still Here After a Month of Giving it the...

It's hardly an accomplishment for most bloggers, but I've made it a month typing away about personal finance, my journey, and other assorted (hopefully...

Sending Help to Haiti

As I'm confident you're well aware Haiti is currently recovering from a horrible 7.0 Earthquake. If you haven't heard, read about it here. This...

Should I Buy a Moped?

Mopeds are wildly popular here in Honolulu. At all hours of the night I hear the vroom vroom of their tiny little engines...

How to Make a Billion Dollars

Have you ever thought about becoming a billionaire? It's an astronomical number that most of us can't even wrap our heads around, but...

Another Day in Paradise for $5.50

For less than the cost of a McDonalds "value" meal I was able to experience some of the best Oahu has to offer. ...

Find a Penny, Pick it up?

"All day long you'll have good luck"... at least that's how the saying goes. Pennies are abound in parking lots, couch cushions, and cars around...

Protected: Why the GDP Needs a Makeover

Have you heard? The US was recently in a recession. Millions of people have lost their jobs and the future of the...

9 Out of 10 American Workers Losing Sleep Over Money

I've lost sleep over a lot of things... worrying, being sick, drinking too much, insomnia... they're all things I've experienced, but losing sleep over...

Keeping America Great

I recently watched a CNBC special titled: Keeping America Great in which Warren Buffet and Bill Gates were asked questions by students at the...