My Basic Monthly Budget


Ever since I’ve graduated college in 2008 I’ve made it a point to continue to live like a college student as much as possible. I explore free hobbies, live in a small house, partake in minimalism and am price conscious whenever I need to purchase something. I never pay full price and negotiate on purchases whenever possible.

On an average month my living expenses are as follows:

My Monthly Expenses

Internet$3725 MBPS through Spectrum
Health Insurance$290Health Insurance Marketplace
Car Payment0Paid off used car I've owned since 2007.
Car Insurance$22Only liability coverage needed.
Food$185See my daily and monthly food budget here.
Utilities$100I live in a cold climate so it's higher for heat in the winter, but summer I don't run the A/C.
Phone$50Family plan older smartphone with 4gb data with US Cellular.
Gas$100This varies, but is usually around $100. I get 25 mpg. With gas at about $2.50 that means I can get 1,000 miles / month for $100.
Fun / Entertainment$150A few beers, dinner once or twice a month, and any events. Most of my hobbies are free.
Mortgage & Escrow$402$53,000 mortgage 3.85% amortized over 30 years with taxes and insurance paid in escrow.
Monthly Total$1,336$16,032 Annually or $308 / week.

These are just my personal expenses and have been my baseline ever since I graduated college. As my income has gone up, however, my health insurance has gone up as well, which adds a couple thousand more to my basic expenses due to not getting subsidies. When I graduated college before Obamacare I simply had a $50 / month high deductible plan, but currently don’t get coverage through work and have to buy full price in the marketplace.