Start An Online Business


Site Build It!Since I began teaching myself web development several years ago I have gained a familiarity with setting up and running websites and blogs. It’s not surprising then, that people often ask me… “”Ryan, how can I create a website and more importantly, how can I make money from a website?” How can I leave the rat race and work from my laptop on a beach somewhere drinking Pina Coladas?

There are many types of businesses that you can create ranging from retail sales, to wholesaling to service based, but these all tend to tie you to one location. I’ve tried my hand in several, including a Milwaukee Photo Booth Rental company, a factory cart coffee table business, and real estate sales, but none gave me the flexibility I have from online income.

There is no simple way of answering this question… until I found Site Build it. Site Built it was my first experience in creating websites and I highly recommend their program.

The problem with websites is there are so many details and intricacies that go into it that I couldn’t fully explain to people how it worked. I could talk to them in general terms explaining how Google worked, and writing good content, but I would have to devote hours and hours of time explaining the ins and outs that should simply be learned by doing. I learned how to build websites from scratch simply by taking the plunge and trying from the very beginning. There is way too much information for it to be digested via me teaching you, but rather you should get your hands dirty and dive right it, learning through mistakes and growing along the way.

The reason I’m so open about teaching people about what it takes to build a successful website or blog is this: 99 out of 100 people won’t take the time to learn and put into practice what I teach them. Building an online business is a ton of work that will take hours and hours of your time without seeing results up front, maybe not even for years. This is why most people give up blogging or building websites in their first few months. Because they don’t have a direction, a plan, or a light at the end of the tunnel. They don’t know what their goal is or how they can go about achieving it.

That’s where Site Build it comes in.

As I’m writing this article I believe 100% that site build it the best possible solution for you to learn how to create an income generating online business. They take you by the hand and guide you through the process, thus creating the light at the end of the tunnel you’ve been looking for. The concepts you’ll learn will open your eyes and make you understand why other bloggers and websites are successful and why yours weren’t in the past.

Planting Dollars is not the result of a few months of blog posts that have been thrown up on a blog for the world to see. This site is the culmination of countless hours learning, growing, and exploring how web development, SEO, and internet marketing works. Like a great performer taking the stage, creating a great website takes tons of practice, sacrifice, and dedication.

Why SBI Was Right for me and is Right for You.

My first impression of SBI was watching a video of Ken Evoy, the founder of SBI explaining how his company works. Ken is really passionate about helping people build businesses online, and his enthusiasm for his product is what drew me in. Ken has a unique gift that allows him to take complex issues and break them down into very simple concepts so that everyone can understand how easy and simple creating a high traffic website can be.

Ken had wrote a book that sold over 100,000 copies and spent a lot of his time trying to explain to people the best way to create a high traffic website. However, people tend to over complicate things and mess up details so he kept running into roadblocks in teaching people his concepts. So instead of teaching people how to handle all the technicalities Ken created an automated system that took care of everything for you. With that, SBI was born and to this day you’ll find tens of thousands of raving fans waving the SBI banner.

Site Build It!

How to Build a Profitable Online Business

Site Build It! has a very simple concept which is CTPM. CTPM stands for Content -> Traffic -> Presell -> Monetize.

Content -> Traffic -> Presell -> Monetize

You may see that this is the model being used on Planting Dollars. There aren’t really any ads and I’m currently building great content (hopefully!) that will drive more traffic. If done correctly this “content is king” approach will drive tons of traffic to your website. Once you have traffic by generating great content visitors will begin to form a relationship with your site and build trust with you. This is essentially the next step of the process which is referred to as “Preselling.” Basically this is converting cold leads into warm ones. This is done by showing your visitors that you truly care about them and have their best interests in mind. This is rare online and it’s a big reason why I show my face on this blog and tell you exactly how I feel. Though being honest with you I build trust with you. Trust is a powerful thing. People go online to gain ideas and information about how to better their lives. I’ve dedicated this site to building useful information to better the lives of others and teach them how to be financially free. If people belive and trust me, they’ll eventually trust me when I recommend a product or service (like I’m doing now with SBI) and realize that I’m recommending it because I believe it will make their life better, not simply because it will make me money.

Even with Site Build It!, there are still no guarantees for success. You won’t get rich overnight and Ken tells you that up front. He even gives you a 30 day money back guarantee! Building an online business takes commitment and consistent effort on your part. However, with all the tools built into SBI you’re tipping the scale in your favor and I believe it’s the best tool to make it happen for you. Through SBI you don’t have to learn coding and HTML, rather you simply need to be able to communicate the knowledge and ideas you have in your head. You don’t have to become a technology expert to earn enough to quit your day job.

Site Build It! includes an impressive list of tools that will help you achieve online success. Some of the many tools include:

* domain name registration
* web site hosting
* point-and-click page creation
* content management
* blogging
* market research
* traffic stats
* search engine optimization
* auto-responders
* form builder
* graphic manager
* customizable templates
* sitemaps
* RSS feeds
* web mail
* newsletter management

Site Build It! is basically an all-in-one solution for creating a successful online business.

Getting Started

I encourage you to look into Site Build It! to see if it makes sense for you. Start by watching the short video I’ve added below. After which head over to their website and learn by following case studies and their 30 minute video tour to truly understand the power it has. I think either way you’ll find it an enlightening experience as SBI demystifies many of the mysteries of making money on the internet.

If you have any questions about Site Build It! or want to share your story of using their product with me, feel free to contact me as I’d be more than happy to hear from you.

To your online success,


Do you need extra funding for your online business? Firstly, enter the Inspired Cashflow SME competition for a chance to win up to £1,000,000 in funding (free of charge for 1 year). Secondly, learn more about invoice finance options by downloading this guide to invoice factoring from Hitachi Capital UK (Plc).

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Financial Samurai

Very interesting Ryan. Good luck with your new adventure! I agree with the video. It’s pretty shocking how easy it is to make $1-2,000 online after 6 months. People just have to want to do it.

How much does SBI cost?
.-= Financial Samurai´s last blog ..Someone Always Farts In A Crowd =-.



Very interesting article, since i am very busy trying to get my own website started, i can use all the tips and tricks.

@Ryan, thank you for your tip about content, but since i am absolute new and my blog is about reporting how one can earn money using the internet i leave it as it is. But perhaps in the future the content will change.


.-= WannaBe´s last blog ..2nd day =-.


[…] but how can we use those to make us more money? I’m not going to tell you to start an Online Business with your hobbies (although you could and make substantial money writing about them), but I will […]


[…] a business that doesn’t require much capital, such as a online business – Online businesses are so ridiculously cheap that I’m surprised more people don’t take advantage of this. […]

The Simple Machine

Ryan, this post is disturbing and yet insightful. Disturbing because I started my blog about 3 weeks ago and had no knowledge (starting to understand) about building a blog, or website, or SEO or backlinking or any other related jargon. So this would mean I am in somewhat trouble, but I learn by doing rather than opting for a pre fabricated solution. That is my personal learning style and hopefully it will work out. Insightful, because it accurately points out that you do not start making money right away and you should really be doing it because you want to.… Read more »


[…] If you don’t want to stuff your face you could become a food critic or start your own niche website about a particular type of food, kinda like this site. Or maybe you could become a food critic and […]


Hi Ryan,

I read your article about creating a online business. My wife and myself have recently started an online blog called and are grateful for your insights and tips.


Michael & Judy


Hi Ryan, I sigh and smile as I read this….I bought SBI…over a year ago and NEVER used it. I was excited about setting up my first business and I came across SBI via Ann Sieg, some of her tips and advice about marketing was interesting and when she recommended it in one of her newsletters I bought it straight away. For a variety of reasons (mainly listening to skeptic) I didn’t use it and my time expired without me getting to test it out…on top of that I ended up with a classic scenario with 2 seperate web designers,… Read more »


I have used DreamWeaver to create most of my sites. I have been involved with Site Build It for awhile and actually also recommend it over my blog. But I think that if you have some basic skills you can use Fireworks for Graphics and DreamWeaver to setup your website and it gives you more flexibility. Now if you are not that interested in doing the learning required for the other 2 software programs than I do recommend Site Build It because it will make it easier for the end user to setup and is more automated. I invite you… Read more »


Thank You Ryan,
I am going to try Site Build It if it works with Your are the second online reputable authority that have referenced Site Build It-the first was Lisa Kirby.
I’ll let you know how it works out.


[…] all got dreams of a better life. For most us that means getting better with our finances, starting a business, or learning to manage our time better. Although it’s great to have dreams, they’re […]