The Best Personal Finance Books – According to 38 Personal Finance Bloggers


Is there such as thing as a “best personal finance book?” I was curious what many of the personal finance bloggers thought of the many personal finance books available so I took a short poll asking over 100 bloggers “what’s the best personal finance book?”

When the results came back 38 bloggers responded and I was a bit surprised by the results.

Of the 38 responders there were 28 different books listed!

I’ve graphed any books that received 2 or more votes. From the graph it’s obvious that there’s no landslide winner, but the most popular book with four votes was Your Money or Your Life.

Any book that received only one vote can be found at the list on the bottom of the page.

Best Personal Finance Books

The 6 books that received two or more votes were:

Your Money or Your Life

Your Money or Your Life9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence

Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez

Bloggers who liked this book:
My money blog, Frugal dad, Money under 30 and Free from broke

The Four Hour Workweek

Four Hour Work WeekEscape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich

Timothy Ferris

Bloggers who liked this book:
The financial blogger, Saving to invest and Passive family income.

Total Money Makeover

Total Money MakeoverA Proven Plan for Financial Fitness

Dave Ramsey

Bloggers who liked this book:
Money saving mom, Christian pf and Financially poor.

How to Get Rich

How to get richOne of the World’s Greatest Entrepreneurs Shares His Secrets

Felix Dennis

Bloggers who liked this book:
Nev blog and Monevator

The Four Pillars of Investing

Four Pillars of InvestingLessons for Building a Winning Portfolio

William Bernstein

Bloggers who liked this book:
Oblivious investor and Five cent nickel

The Wealthy Barber

Wealthy BarberEveryone’s Commonsense Guide to Becoming Financially Independent

David Chilton

Bloggers who liked this book:
Financial Highway and Million dollar journey

Is There Such a Thing as a “Best” Personal Finance Book?

I honestly thought there would be a bit more agreement on a book, but based on the responses it became apparent that there’s really not one personal finance book that can lay claim to the “best.” Since personal finance is such a deep topic that affects people on different levels each book hits each person differently. Just like each financial plan is different, each book is tailored to different audiences.

What’s the best personal finance book for you?
It’s really going to depend on your goals and what you want to get out of the book. If you want a deeper understanding of how money affects your life and motivates you then go for Your Money or Your Life. If you’re interested in growing your own business and want to become more productive, then perhaps you should consider the Four Hour Workweek.

There’s probably not going to be one best book to recommend, but I would say that you should at least read a couple on the list since these bloggers do happen to know what they’re talking about. Each book you read will probably teach you at least one new thing, which is point, especially if that one idea saves or makes you thousands during your lifetime.

It doesn’t matter which book you start with, just start reading and learning more about personal finance.

Honorable Mentions

The rest of the books that were mentioned, but only received one vote included:

Art of the Deal recommended by Maximizing money
Control Your Cash recommended by Len Penzo
The Millionaire Fastlane recommended by Personal dividends
Debt Free U recommended by Cheap scholar

Does this make my assets look fat? recommended by The centsible life
Generation Earn recommended by Lazy man and money
How to Stop Worrying and Start Living recommended by Wealth pilgrim
I Will Teach You to be Rich recommended by Budgets are sexy

Living More With Less recommended by Frugal for Life
Money 911 recommended by The wisdom journal
Never Eat Alone recommended by Studenomics
Rich Dad Poor Dad recommended by Brip blap

The Automatic Millionaire recommended by PT money
The Bible recommended by Debt free adventure
The New Coffeehouse Investor recommended by Bible money matters
The Intelligent Investor recommended by Money smart life

The Millionaire Next Door recommended by Cash money life
The Quiet Millionaire recommended by Moolanomy
The Richest man in Babylon recommended by Bargaineering

The Tightwad Gazette recommended by The frugal girl
The Tipping Point recommended by Almost frugal
You Can Negotiate Anything recommended by Sweating the big stuff

What do you think is the best personal finance book?