Planting Dollars Will Donate All Blog Profit For 2017 to the World Wildlife Fund


The Mission of Planting Dollars is to empower and inspire people to achieve their dreams through understanding how their money related decisions affect their freedom and ability to achieve their dreams.

In following that mission this website does make some money through affiliate relationships with businesses along with advertising. Since I’ve already reached financial freedom and don’t need the extra money, wouldn’t it be great if that money could be given to an organization that makes the world a better place? I’ve decided to make that happen and will be giving away any profit in 2017 to a charity dear to me.

In 2017 all profit I make on this website will be given to the World Wildlife Foundation and I’ll update the blog finances monthly to show the progress throughout the year month-by-month on how much the site has raised to donate. The first update will be at the end of February.

How You Can Help Make More Money for the World Wildlife Foundation

There are four ways that I would ask you help spread the message or give back, none of which involve giving money. These are all very easy options.

1. The first is to simply like the facebook page, follow on pinterest, follow on twitter or sign up for our email list.

2. Use affiliate links through the site. If you’re going to purchase anything from the sites listed on the recommendations page, those are typically affiliate links, which means that if you click the link they capture that the lead came from Planting Dollars and they offer a commission on anything you purchase from their site.

3. If you have a website or blog, link back to our site to give some link love.

4. The last thing is to provide great content for our site by writing a guest post or submitting a useful article idea that will help make the site grow, which will in turn provide more traffic and then more advertising revenue. To propose your idea, simply head over to the contact page

To learn a bit more about the World Wildlife Fund and their mission, please watch the video below.